Schubert & Co. - concert of the MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra
Concert of the MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra in the framework of the Transparent Sound Festival (Budapest), conducted by Ajtony Csaba.
Schubert-Ivan Buffa: Rosamunde - Entr'act No. 1 - première
Schubert-Abigél Varga: Rosamunde - Entr'act No. 2 - première
Schubert-Mathias Johannes Schmidhammer: Rosamunde - Entr'act No. 3 - première
Mirela Ivičević: Baby Magnify / Lilith's New Toy (2018)
Enescu: Symphonie de Chambre Op. 33
Virág Anna Virág: Therapy of a Bipolar Bear (prize-winning piece from Müpa Budapest's composition competition) - première
Márton Illés: Ljubljana drawings (commissioned by the Sonus Foundation with the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation) - première
Alexander Schubert: Hello (2014)
In the 150 years from Franz to Alexander Schubert, our concept of song has changed dramatically; Franz Schubert wrote songs for singers, while Alexader Schubert composes works using artificial intelligence. The MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra, established in Vienna, considers every concerts to be a Gesamtkunstwerk and - while collaborating with living composers - promotes 20th-century Central European musical heritage and the part of the historical repertoire that shapes the music of the present. In this program, the ensemble explores the ever-changing relationship between instruments and song through the lens of Enescu's exotic last work and three exciting new works of our time. Márton Illés's work has been recognised in the form of several international prizes and commissions and his compositions are performed worldwide. In 2021, Mirela Ivičević's compositions will be featured for the second time at the Donaueschingen Festival, a sure sign she is becoming a 'rockstar' of contemporary music. Her works often use theatrical elements and texts that promote social engagement. The programme also features a new piece by Virág Anna Virág, which won a prize in the chamber music category of Müpa Budapest's composition competition.
The concert is a co-production of the Transparent Sound Festival and the Sonus Foundation, with support from the National Cooperation Fund.